Page References Handling

Page References Handling

When converting Notion content, one of the most challenging aspects is maintaining functional links between pages. The Page Reference Handler in notion-to-md v4 solves this challenge by tracking, transforming, and maintaining these relationships.

Page Reference Types in Notion

Notion has several ways to reference pages:

  1. Direct Links - Explicit links to other pages
  2. Page Mentions - Page mentions in text content using @ mentions
  3. Link to Page Blocks - Special blocks that link to other pages
  4. Child Page References - Parent-child relationships between pages

The Page Reference Handler manages all these reference types, ensuring they work properly in your exported content.

Prerequisites & How Page References Work

For page references to work properly, there’s an important prerequisite to understand: your Notion pages need a way to determine their final URLs.

The Basics

At its core, page reference handling requires:

  1. Source of Truth: Each Notion page needs a property (like “Slug”, “URL”, or “Path”) that indicates where that page will be located in your final system
  2. Reference Manifest: notion-to-md maintains a registry that maps Notion page IDs to their corresponding URLs
  3. Transformation Process: When a link to another page is found, it’s transformed using information from the manifest

Setting Up Your Notion Pages

Before using page references, ensure your pages have the necessary property:

  1. Add a property to your Notion pages (name it anything, typically named “Slug”, “URL”, or “Path”)
  2. Fill this property with the path where each page will be accessible (e.g., “getting-started”, “api/authentication”)
  3. Make sure this property is consistent across all pages that will be referenced

How The Manifest Works

notion-to-md uses a two-step process to handle page references:

  1. Building the Manifest:

    • As pages are processed, URL information is collected from it’s properties and mapped against the page ID
    • This mapping is stored in a manifest file (.notion-to-md/ref/page_ref.json)
  2. Transforming References:

    • When a reference to another page is found in content
    • The target page ID is looked up in the manifest
    • The reference is updated to use the proper URL

Starting Fresh vs. Existing Content

Your approach depends on how much Notion content you already have:

For New

If you’re just starting with no prior pages, the manifest builds automatically as you process pages:

const n2m = new NotionConverter(notionClient)
    baseUrl: '',
    UrlPropertyNameNotion: 'slug'  // The name of your Notion property

// Converting a page will also add it to the manifest
await n2m.convert('your-page-id');

For Existing Content With Many Pages

If you have a large Notion workspace with many interconnected pages, you should pre-build the entire manifest first:

Page reference builder

notion-to-md provides a utility specifically designed for building a complete reference manifest at a go provided each page has the specified property:

import { PageReferenceManifestBuilder } from 'notion-to-md/utils/page-ref-builder';

// Create a builder instance
const builder = new PageReferenceManifestBuilder(notionClient, {
  urlPropertyNameNotion: 'slug',  // The name of your Notion property
  baseUrl: ''  // Your site's base URL

// Build manifest starting from a root page or database

console.log('Manifest built successfully!');

This utility:

  1. Starts from a root page or database
  2. Finds all pages with the specified property
  3. Creates a complete manifest of page IDs to URLs

Once built, the manifest is automatically used by your NotionConverter:

const n2m = new NotionConverter(notionClient)
    baseUrl: '',
    UrlPropertyNameNotion: 'slug'

// Now any page conversions will use the pre-built manifest
await n2m.convert('your-page-id');
Detailed configuration options are available in the Page reference configuration guide.

Advanced Use Cases

Creating a Site Map

You can use the Page Reference Handler to create a site map or navigation structure:

import { NotionConverter } from 'notion-to-md';
import { PageReferenceManifestBuilder } from 'notion-to-md/utils/page-ref-builder';

// First, build a comprehensive page reference manifest
const builder = new PageReferenceManifestBuilder(notionClient, {
  urlPropertyNameNotion: 'slug',
  baseUrl: ''

// Build from a root page or database

// Now use the converter with the pre-built manifest
const n2m = new NotionConverter(notionClient)
    baseUrl: '',
    UrlPropertyNameNotion: 'slug'

// The manifest is automatically shared between components
await n2m.convert('your-page-id');

// Access all page references
const manifestManager = builder.getManifestManager();
const allPages = manifestManager.getAllEntries();

// Generate a sitemap
const sitemap = Object.entries(allPages).map(([pageId, entry]) => ({
  id: pageId,
  url: entry.url,
  lastUpdated: entry.lastUpdated