Getting Started

Getting Started

This guide will help you quickly set up notion-to-md v4 and convert your first Notion page to Markdown.


First, install the package using npm or yarn:

npm install notion-to-md@alpha


Before you can convert Notion pages to Markdown, you need to:

  1. Set up a Notion integration in your workspace
  2. Get your integration token
  3. Share the page you want to convert with your integration

Basic Usage

Here’s a simple example demonstrating how to convert a Notion page to Markdown:

import { Client } from '@notionhq/client';
import { NotionConverter } from 'notion-to-md';
import { DefaultExporter } from 'notion-to-md/plugins/exporter';

// Initialize the Notion client with your integration token
const notion = new Client({
  auth: 'your-notion-integration-token',

async function convertPage() {
  try {
    // Replace with your actual page ID
    const pageId = 'your-notion-page-id';

    // use the default exporter
    const exporter = new DefaultExporter({
      outputType: 'file',
      outputPath: `some/dir/${pageId}.md`

    const n2m = new NotionConverter(notion)

    // Convert the page
    await converter.convert(pageId);

    console.log('✓ Successfully converted page to markdown!');
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Conversion failed:', error);


The DefaultExporter supports three output types:

  1. file - Saves the markdown to a file:
new DefaultExporter({
  outputType: 'file',
  outputPath: 'some/dir/'
  1. stdout - Prints the markdown to console:
new DefaultExporter({
  outputType: 'stdout'
  1. buffer - Stores the markdown in a buffer object:
const buffer = {};
new DefaultExporter({
  outputType: 'buffer',
  buffer: buffer

// pageId="..."
// access output using buffer[pageId]


Learn how to create your own exporter plugins to save/publish conversion output to different destinations.

Next Steps

Once you have basic conversion working, you might want to explore more advanced features:

That’s it! You’ve successfully set up notion-to-md v4 and converted your first page.